Mahmoud HAOUAT The Rise of AI: Navigating the Transformation of Our World Abstract: ** The article "The Rise of AI: How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Our World" by Tim Urban from Wait But Why discusses the evolution and advancements in Artificial Intelligence ... AI Explainable AI Machine Learning Technology Value Jan 30, 2023 0 581 AI
Mahmoud HAOUAT Generative AI: The next big trend Abstract: ** Generative AI is a cutting-edge field within the realm of artificial intelligence that deals with producing new data samples that resemble existing examples. By learning the patterns an... AI Adaptive AI Robotique Technology Jan 30, 2023 0 683 AI
Mahmoud HAOUAT AI in the Fintech industry Abstract: ** *Fintech*, a portmanteau of "*financial technology*", refers to firms using new technology to compete with traditional financial methods in the delivery of financial services. In t... AI Analytics Technology Jan 5, 2023 0 349 AI
Mahmoud Haouat RPA vs API Abstract: ** None [1] Business leaders know that automation is key to future growth. In fact, several studies have shown that a high number of companies agree that automation can kickstart digital ... AI API Automative Digital Intelligence Artificielle RPA Technology Oct 20, 2022 0 987 Technology
Mahmoud Haouat Social media analytics: The complete guide Abstract: ** From marketing perspective, social media analytics offers both a cost effective way to gather every bit of relevant data that can be found on social media platforms and also a wide range... Analytics Social media Social media analytics Technology Oct 20, 2022 0 795 Analytics