Mahmoud HAOUAT Explainable AI: Ensuring Transparency, Accountability, and Fairness in AI Systems Abstract: ** If you had a blog which subject do you think this text belongs to? "Explainable AI (XAI) is becoming increasingly important for businesses to ensure the transparency, accountability an... AI Adaptive AI Explainable AI Jan 30, 2023 0 473
Mahmoud HAOUAT Generative AI: The next big trend Abstract: ** Generative AI is a cutting-edge field within the realm of artificial intelligence that deals with producing new data samples that resemble existing examples. By learning the patterns an... AI Adaptive AI Robotique Technology Jan 30, 2023 0 684
Mahmoud Haouat Time to switch to AI Abstract: ** AI is transforming every industry it touches, so it's not really a surprise that its adoption is rising, many organizations all over the world are trying to fit AI in their strategies... AI Adaptive AI Analytics Nov 17, 2022 0 441
Mahmoud Haouat Adaptive AI and its importance to your business Abstract: ** Flexibility and adaptability are now vital, as many businesses have learned during recent health and climate crises. To keep up with all the changes organizations all over the world ... AI Adaptive AI Nov 16, 2022 0 457