Prediction: The future of Customer Experience
Using Predictive Analytics to Improve Customer Experience Through Personalization


Since the global economy is constantly changing, many firms have decided to invest more in their costumers, in the hope of understanding how they think and also to gain a considerable competitive advantage. To face this dilemma, several companies have chosen to focus on "the customer experience". 

Despite the importance given to customer experience, many companies still use antiquated techniques such as survey-based measurement systems to track and keep an eye on it and subsequently form any strategic plan. Over the years, the techniques used such as surveys have shown severe limitations that can no longer be overlooked. To correct these shortcomings, several companies have decided to take full advantage of the data in their hand.

The goal of this article is to shed a light on how firms can use the collected data and analytics in the hopes of creating a better experience for their costumers.

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